Author Archives: Editor

Getting to Know Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

Do you know your debt-to-income ratio? If you’re like most Canadians, the answer is no. Unfortunately, failure to fully understand this important element of your financial portfolio could cause you grief when it comes time to secure a mortgage pre-approval. Luckily, calculating your debt-to-income ratio is easy – all you need is a good financial calculator and a few necessary numbers. Continue reading

Why Aren’t More Canadian’s Using a Mortgage Broker?

Sound financial advice is key for any property purchase. Mortgage brokers in particular are expected to provide house hunters with personal assistance throughout the buying process. Data from a recent report shows that Canadian mortgage brokers are living up to these expectations, providing their customers with a highly positive purchasing experience.

So why aren’t more people working with a mortgage broker? Continue reading

Reverse Mortgages on the Rise

Aging Canadian’s in need of a financial boost are cashing in record numbers, according to data released earlier this month. A report released by the parent company of HomEquity Bank, the nation’s sole provider of reverse mortgages, states that a record number of reverse mortgages (with a rough total worth of $67.2 million) were closed in the fourth quater of 2011.

Reserve mortgages are becoming increasingly popular among the nation’s elderly, especially those who have failed to save enough to fund a comfortable retirement. Reverse mortgages allow seniors to borrow up to 50% of the appraised value of their home; principal repayment (along with interest) is not collected until the home is sold.

Is a reverse mortgage right for you? It could be, especially if you’re house-rich but cash-poor. The following is a full analysis of the pros, cons and alternatives to Canada’s newest mortgage craze. Continue reading

Which is Better? RRSP Loans or Cash Back Mortgages

Have you made your RRSP contribution yet? This year’s deadline is February 29th, so don’t wait too long. Contributing to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) can have a major impact on your financial situation, saving you hundreds on your annual tax statement. And that’s just theĀ beginning! Budget-savvy individuals will also enjoy the long-term growth of their investment.

Unfortunately, finding the money to invest in an RRSP isn’t always easy. According to a recent report from the Investor’s Group, it’s estimated that nearly 58% of Canadian’s won’t invest in their RRSP this year because there simply isn’t enough money left after paying for basic living expenses.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet, now’s the time to consider a cash back mortgage or an RRSP loan. Both will help you free up extra capital to cover expenses, but in very different ways. Here’s what you need to know in order to make a well-educated decision. Continue reading

A Review of 2011 Mortgage Trends

The Canadian mortgage market experienced a number of changes this past year. There were some ups and there were certainly some downs. The following are some of the biggest trends from the past year, and how we expect the market to unfold in 2012. Continue reading