Author Archives: familylending

Preparing For Your First Mortgage

Four moves to make when getting ready for your first mortgage.

Happy couple holding for sale and sold signs in front of a new house

You First Mortgage

Step 1: Know What You Want

Should your mortgage be fixed or variable?

Fixed Mortgage Rate:

Enables you to “lock in” a predetermined rate for a set amount of time (term).

Variable Mortgage Rate:

This type of mortgage rate changes monthly according to the mortgage lender’s prime rate. Anyone handling a variable Canadian mortgage rate has to have the ability to manage modifications to their monthly payments.

Open or Closed Mortgage?

If you are not prepared to pay a sizable lump sum in the coming future, typically a closed mortgage would be the best option for you.

Open Mortgage:

An open mortgage is a versatile alternative that enables you to make substantial payments or settle the whole mortgage without a penalty. Open mortgage rates are more than closed mortgage rates. This form of mortgage allows you to settle large amounts of your loan prior to completion of the mortgage term.

Closed Mortgage:

Not too many individuals need the flexibility to settle their best mortgage rate prior to completion of the term. If you have a closed mortgage you are going to be penalized if you try to pay off the loan early and the charge can be rather substantial.

Step 2: Knowledge is Power!

Searching for the best rates can save you money on your low mortgage rate.

Step 3: Speak with a Mortgage Broker

Brokers are able to assist in determining what you will be able to manage, what your options are, and help you through the process.

Step 4: Discuss Your Mortgage

As soon as you have prepared, you are ready to put your mortgage broker to work by having them negotiate a rate.
Take the first step towards homeownership now. Get pre-approved for a low mortgage rate.

Seller’s Market vs. Buyer’s Market

Understanding the housing market

buy sell

Seller’s Market vs. Buyer’s Market

Have you ever wondered who decides how much a house is worth and how they do it? The market is influenced by a variety of factors, all adding to the final asking price. A few of the factors include:

  • Tempo of the market– the speed at which homes are currently selling
  • Confidence in the economy– prices have the tendency to go up when confidence is high
  • Competition within the market– a packed market tends to result in lower prices
  • Financial Institutions– a professional appraiser will determine the property’s lending value
  • Insurance Companies– a broker will calculate the property’s replacement value
  • The buyer and the seller– ultimately, buyers and sellers decide the final purchase price, which in turn influences the market

Seller’s Market vs. Buyer’s Market

Instability in the market scares people– sometimes right out of moving. A better understanding of the market will help you choose the best time to sell.

Cycles in the market are strongly influenced by the economy. The economy can produce both a shortage and a surplus of housing. In a seller’s market many buyers are competing for a limited number of houses. Prices on houses tend to be higher in a seller’s market. Conversely, in a buyer’s market there are plenty of houses to choose from. This surplus of housing can slow rising prices, as well as cause price reductions, which can ultimately impact your low mortgage rate.

Knowing the market is an important factor when selling or buying a home. Be sure to research the current market and best mortgage rate, or hire a real estate professional who is aware of the complexities.

Canadians take, on average, 11 months to plan their Canadian mortgage rate home purchase and 88 percent indicate that they have a good sense of how much they can afford. (Source: CAAMP).

Buy First, or Sell First

This is one of the biggest concerns for sellers. Unless you time both the purchase and sale perfectly, you could end up in one of two scenarios: living in a motel temporarily, or paying two mortgages at the same time. Neither sounds very appealing. Here are a few things you can do to avoid this dilemma:

Make it ‘conditional’ that your offer to purchase stands only if your current home sells. However, in a hot market (i.e. seller’s market), the seller could reject your offer for a more suitable one.

If you receive an offer, negotiate the closing date until the sale of your home is complete. Again, this could lead to a withdrawal of the offer if it does not work with the potential buyer’s schedule.

Should I Rent Or Buy?

Are you ready to take the leap into homeownership?

female teen girls holding notepad with pros cons

Pros and Cons

Weighing out the pros, cons, costs, and considerations is the best way to help you determine if you are ready to own a home.



Renting is a wonderful first step to living on your own. Given that it lacks long term commitment many rental agreements generally only last one year. Renting is an affordable and accommodating option for most people.


You’re essentially paying off someone else’s Canadian mortgage rate, as opposed to investing in your future. In addition to this, your rental agreement will have its own set of rules that you will be required to follow during your tenancy.



The current best mortgage rates enable you to borrow money cheaply right away. Furthermore, owning a home will help to provide you with a sense of security and comfort. You have freedom to update it as you please and improve on your investment.


You will need to be personally and financially prepared for homeownership. Expect your stress levels to increase given your monthly budget.



Renting provides low initial costs. Your costs are a predictable expense and thus easy to budget around.


Saving up for a down payment requires substantially more money. Also, there are hidden expenses that turn up unexpectedly.

Finally, if you secure a low mortgage rate today, you will need to keep in mind that your payments may go up when it comes time to refinance.


Renting can be considered an investment if the money that you’re saving is going towards a future down payment. Buying a home can be considered a good investment only if the property value increases. It could also provide a possible source of income if you choose to rent out a room or convert the basement into an income suite.
Buying a home is a big investment. Make sure you’re ready to make the commitment. Contact a mortgage broker to learn more about the pros and cons of homeownership.

Should I Use RRSPs For A Down Payment?

Bulk up your down payment with help from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan.

Loan App

Loan Application

The Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) is a program from the Government of Canada that allows first time home buyers to withdraw up to $25,000 from their RRSP towards their Canadian mortgage rate down payment for their first home, tax free.

How Does the Home Buyer’s Plan Work?

You can use your RRSP to help buy a new home, but in order to ensure the withdrawals are tax free, there are a number of conditions and requirements that apply.

1. You must be a first time home buyer, and a Canadian resident
To participate in the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) for your best mortgage rate, you must be a first time home buyer and a resident of Canada at the withdrawal time. You may only be considered as a first time home buyer if you, and / or your spouse haven’t owned and lived in a primary residence for at least four years before the date of the RRSP withdrawal.

2. You and your partner can both withdraw up to $25,000.
If you are purchasing the home with a spouse, you can both withdraw $25,000 each from your RRSP accounts under the Home Buyer’s Plan. This means you could potentially have up to a total of $50,000 towards your first home, reducing your mortgage rate amount and payments, along with overall interest requirements.

3. The deal must close within one year.
The home must be purchased or built within one year of the withdrawal to apply for the Home Buyer’s Plan.

4. You have up to fifteen years to repay the amount
You have up to fifteen years to repay the amount you withdrew starting the second year after you made the withdrawal. Each year, you must pay a minimum of 1/15 of the withdrawn amount. For example, if you withdrew $15,000, then each year you would have to pay back $1,000 to your RRSP. If you skip a payment, then the payment amount will be counted as income and you will need to pay taxes on it.

Restrictions of the Home Buyer’s Plan
Any RRSP contributions made less than 90 days before the withdrawal date cannot be used towards the Home Buyer’s Plan.

Typical Lending Criteria for the Self-Employed

Two things to keep in mind



Most self-employed persons have a more difficult time getting pre-approved for a mortgage. The ideal image of a borrower by most lenders is one who has a stable job and thus a consistent stream of income as part of a regular pay cheque. Self-employed individuals rarely have this luxury.

If you would like to maximize your chances of being pre-approved for a low mortgage rate loan while self-employed, here are just some of the criteria you need to look out for:

Good Credit Score

A respectable credit score will always provide a boost to your finances and enhance your chances of getting a good deal on your Canadian mortgage rate. However, self-employed individuals can benefit a great deal from a positive credit score– in some cases, a high score may even help them win the favor of some discriminating lenders. Therefore, keep close tabs on your credit. The better your score, the better your chances will be of getting the best mortgage rate, whether you’re self-employed or employed full-time.

Established Self-Employment

You need to be self-employed for a considerable period of time. Lenders are more apt to trust you with a mortgage as a self-employed borrower if you are able to show them your stability as a self-employed income-earner. Most lenders will require you to have at least a two-year track record working for yourself.

Your ability to provide sufficient documentation is also an important factor in getting a low mortgage rate. As much as possible, you need to be able to support your income records with income statements and tax returns so you can qualify for a better mortgage rate.