Author Archives: Robb Nelson

Bank of Canada reveals latest interest rate decision

The Canadian Press

The Bank Canada raises its key interest rate target by a quarter of a percentage point.

The central bank’s target for the overnight rate is now set at 1.75 per cent.

The Bank of Canada is hiking its trend-setting interest rate as the resilient economy hums along and a big source of trade uncertainty is finally out of the way.

The central bank delivered a quarter-point rate increase for the fifth time since the summer of 2017 _ and first time since July _ to bring the benchmark to 1.75 per cent.

It was the bank’s first rate decision since Canada agreed with the United States and Mexico earlier this month on an updated North American free trade deal.

The bank says in a statement that more hikes will be needed, but this time around it omitted the word “gradual” from its explanation on how it will approach future rate increases _ something that could lead some observers to anticipate future increases will come faster than they had previously expected.

But the bank says the pace of the increases will continue to be guided by how well households are digesting the higher interest rates, given their elevated levels of debt.

The bank says households have already made spending adjustments in response to earlier rate hikes and stricter mortgage policies _ and credit growth continues to moderate.

What Is a Credit Score and What Can You Do About It?

To many people your credit score is this shadow that follows you around your entire financial life that you don’t understand. You know its there, you know it affects you, but you don’t want to look at it too hard until you must. This is understandable, no one makes you look at it and until you need it it’s very easy to pretend it doesn’t exist. So, let’s start with the basics.

What is your credit score – Your credit score is a number that reflects to a lender how likely you are to repay a loan. This number ranges from 300-900 with the magic number (for the most part) being 650. If you’re below 650, you’ll have a hard time getting a traditional lender like a bank or credit union to lend to you.

What factors affect your credit score – Your credit score is affected by your payment history, your credit vs. your available credit, the length of your credit history, public records, and number of inquiries into your credit file. The two factors that affect you the most are payment history with a weight of roughly 35% of your credit score and your used credit vs. your available credit, also called ‘utilization’, with a weight of around 30%.

What you can do to change your credit score – As mentioned above, the two major factors are your payment history and your used vs. available credit. Payment history is the more difficult to change out of the two, you need to ensure that all your bills are always being paid and on time. This requires dedication and eventually, over the course of a few years, missed payments will disappear and your credit score will rise.

In the short term however, it is much easier to affect your credit score by understanding how utilization affects it. Utilization, as stated above, is your used credit vs. your available credit and ideally this percentage should be under 50%. Say you have a credit card with a $5,000 limit with $4,500 on it, and a line of credit for $20,000 with $3,000 on it, in this case the credit card is at 90% utilization which is above the target and will be affecting your score negatively. You can get yourself to 50% utilization in a couple ways, the most obvious being putting enough of a payment on the credit card to bring it back under that 50% mark. If this isn’t something you’re able to do, try shuffling money from one debt source to another. Taking $3,000 from your line of credit and putting it on your credit card will bring the credit card down to 30% utilization. Another way is to call the credit card company and see if you can get your credit limit raised to a point where your utilization is in a better situation. If you use any one of these tips alone or in combination, you will see an immediate result on your credit score that will help bring you to that magic number.

Your credit score can be a very confusing thing to understand. If you need help managing yours contact Family Lending and their mortgage professionals will do all they can to get you where you need to be.

A Look at Property Taxes In CK

There are very few issues that get as heated when discussed as property taxes. Everywhere from Facebook groups to coffee shops sees people getting up in arms about the amount of taxes that are paid on homes and businesses. Everyone has an opinion, but how exactly do our property taxes work? How are they calculated? Why do they go up? Who determines exactly what a property is worth?

Municipalities get their revenue from multiple sources, in Chatham-Kent property taxes account for approximately 50% of the budget with the other 50% being accounted for from other sources such as provincial and federal grants, user fees, licenses, and other smaller sources. These sources must account for the entire budget for any given year as each budget needs to be balanced, municipalities are forbidden by law to run a defect. This means that if there needs to be an increase in spending, the municipality needs to account for it somewhere within the budget that given year and one of the sources that can be changed is your property taxes.

A property’s value is determined by a company called Municipal Property Assessment Corporation or MPAC, you’ve most likely at one time or another received their notice of assessment in your mail. They administer property tax assessments and appeals of assessment for all of Ontario and will revaluate a property every 4 years. They determine what your home is worth by the evaluation of properties across the municipality and your taxes will go up or down based on how your property stacks up. If your property value goes up at the same rate as the municipal average the taxes on your property will stay the same, if its value increase exceeds the municipal average your taxes will go up, and inversely if the value is considered less it will go down. MPAC’s assessment multiplied by the tax rate set by the municipality is how your property tax bill is calculated. The idea of having tax rates go up and down based on comparisons is true in relation to industries as well. For example, farmland is assessed at a higher value when compared to residential taxes, therefore residential tax rates are lower than those relating to agriculture.

On an average 1,200 square foot home, Chatham-Kent has a current property tax rate of 1.88%, which is above the provincial average of 1.26% however, our actual property tax payments are below average at $3,127 from the provincial $3,346. Why is the rate the way it is? Low housing costs mean that the same property in London or Sarnia will be assessed at a higher value than one in Chatham-Kent. A 1,200 square foot home in Chatham-Kent is assessed at $165,500 as opposed to the provincial average of $265,725, so if the rate was the same there would be a significant tax gap.

Chatham-Kent is a very large municipality geographically as well, it’s one of the many things people enjoy about living here as there is lots of room to spread out. As a result of this freedom however, CK has a low population density with an average of 42 people per square km, comparing that with Sarnia at 451, London at 959, and Windsor at 1552, this results in a significant logistical challenge as services must cover a much larger area to reach fewer people. Low population density leads to more infrastructure to support the tax payers as well. In our Municipality we have 4,800km of drains (20% of Ontario drains), 850+ bridges, 3,588 km of paved roads and 3,264 km of gravel roads. With all this infrastructure with relation to our population density and home values, the only way to keep the budget healthy is with a higher property tax rate.

Lately, most tax increases have been to cover the cost of maintaining this infrastructure. Mike Turner, CFO for the municipality, thinks that the municipality has done a great job of managing this increase, “Over the last 4 years we’ve increased spending on infrastructure with only 1.39% tax increase which comes in well below inflation.” To put that in perspective that’s about $30 a year on our 1,200 square foot home.

So, while rates in Chatham-Kent may still be higher than the Ontario average, due to a low population density, large geographic area, and low property prices, Chatham-Kent is still able to manage their infrastructure while keeping tax increases below inflation levels.