Tag Archives: Mortgage Rates

CAAMP Releases Highlights From Fall 2011 Consumer and Industry Surveys

The focus of these surveys was to gather Canadians’ opinions of the mortgage industry. The report includes specific questions on experiences with their mortgage professional as well as information and feedback from industry members.

The survey results were presented by Maritz Research at Mortgage Forum 2011 in Toronto.

Click here to review the entire report.

CAAMP Report Finds Canadian Consumers Believe They Have Too Much Debt

The seventh annual State of the Residential Mortgage MarketĀ report, conducted by CAAMP (the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals) has found that consumers are worried about debt. The report, which included survey data from 2,000 Canadians (half of which were homeowners), asked participants to what extent they agree with various statements based on a 10-point scale: a response of 10 indicated complete agreement. The statement, “as a whole, Canadians have too much debt,” received the the highest degree of agreement, scoring an average rating of 7.98 out of 10.

While debt remains a major cause of concern, there is a widespread opinion that Canadian real estate is a good long term investment. Consumers still feel that a mortgage is a “good debt” and very few regret taking on the size of mortgage that they did. However, there is still a very big perception that Canadian homeowners are largely unprepared for the financial obligations of purchasing a home. Continue reading

Re/Max Report Predicts Robust 2012 Canadian Housing Market

The Canadian housing market showed exceptional resilience in 2011, according to Re/Max’s annual housing marketing outlook. Published early last week, the report states that an estimated 460,000 homes are expected to be sold this year, a significant increase over last year’s 44,010 properties.

Re/Max credits low interest rates for the housing market’s success, along with tight inventory levels and increased urban demand. And while the European debt crisis and worsening American recession continue to plague the global marketplace, it appears to have had little effect on the Canadian housing market. The country’s economic foundations actually grew in the past year, thanks to the addition of more than 200,000 jobs and slow but steady GDP growth. According to Re/Max’s report, economists are already looking forward to increased growth and renewed investment in 2012. Continue reading

No Rate Change from the Bank of Canada

The Bank of Canada has opted to freeze rates for the 11th consecutive time, maintaining the 1.0% interest rate this morning.

The stay is consistent with Governor Mark Carney’s statements from October that forecasted no changes for the foreseeable future. The current Chairman of the Financial Stability Board insists that the Bank will remain flexible, in light of world and domestic future developments (specifically the never-ending European debt and banking crisis). Continue reading

Are Your Ready to Buy?

You’ve had it with your roommates and you’ve had it with paying rent. You’re ready to move out and you’re seriously considering taking the leap into homeownership. But just because you want to buy a home, doesn’t mean you should. Before you start planning your housewarming party, take a minute to sit down and consider everything that comes along with homeownership. From mortgage rate trends to better budgeting, there’s more to buying a house than simply signing an offer. Continue reading